Save Bigger
Time To Adjust Your Budget
It is time to make some adjustments to your budget. A new year is a great time to re-evaluate, and make sure everything is still in line with reality. Have any of your line items gone up or down (a rise in food and gas...
Plan Now to Save Big Next Christmas
The holidays are almost over, and pretty soon the holiday bills will be coming in. If you overspent this year, you don't have to make the same mistake in 2020. I know Christmas 2020 seems like it's very far away, but with...
Times Have Changed
Did you know our credit union was founded in 1954? CVCU began as a group of people just trying to help each other afford life. Fortunately, our mission has not changed. We are still here to help people in our hometown...
Top Five Tips for Saving for Retirement
Planning and saving for retirement may seem like goals that are far in the future. Yet saving, especially for retirement, should start early and continue throughout your lifetime. Did you know that the average American...
FREE Summer Fun
Keeping yourself and the kids entertained without spending too much is a tough task these days. So, I went looking for ways to spend less and still have fun. Call me old school, but my search led me straight to the public...
Saving in Summertime
Summer is great. The kids are out of school, the weather is nice so you can do lots of fun things outside, and it's typically when most people get to go on vacations or trips. Summer is just fun! However, all of the fun...