Save Bigger
Will You Outlive Your Savings?
More than half of Americans are worried they will outlive their retirement savings, and research shows that women are more at risk of outliving their savings than men.
To Pay Down Debt, First You Have to Save
When you want to pay off debt fast, that impulse oftenmeans depleting your savings. So how do you pay off debt AND save money?
Family Finances: The Importance of Keeping Everyone Informed
In yourhousehold, does one person handle all the finances? Who pays all the bills,files the joint taxes, deals with insurance matters, and knows where all theimportant papers are saved? Whathappens if that person becomes...
The RAIN Method for Buying a Car
Theaverage cost of a new vehicle today is around $35,000. Whether you're lookingfor a brand-new car or a reliable used ride, you want to get the most for yourmoney. The process can be made easier by following the...
Couples, Sync Your Retirement Plans
Oneway to ensure a happy marriage well into your retirement years is to create aretirement plan with your partner that will satisfy both of you. Here are questions to ask:
Harmful Money Attitudes
Experts say there are 7 money personality types, and knowing yours can help you set yourself up for success.