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For Couples, Retirement is About Timing
Retirement timing usually boils down to dollars: Couples plan to retire when they've got enough money to maintain the kind of lifestyle they want for as long as they expect to live. That number will be different for...
Credit Cards: Pay More Than the Minimum for Faster Payoff
Minimum payments on credit cards are between 1%to 4% of the balance due. If you can afford higher payments each month, you'llbenefit over the long haul.
Importance of Building an Emergency Fund
Life is full of unexpected twists and turns. From unforeseenmedical expenses to sudden job loss, emergencies can strike when we leastexpect them. That's why it's crucial to have a financial safety net in...
What Does it Take to Retire?
Think of those days when you cansleep in and spend the day doing whatever you want. To get there you need toplan how much money you'll need to live on when you retire.
Organize Your Finances in 5 Steps
Doyou know your net worth? Or how much you spend each month, and on what? Or howmuch you can expect from your pension plan or Social Security in retirement? Amajority of the population will answer "no," saying...
Emergency Fund - Start Small, Think Big
Many people wonder how theycan build an emergency fund when they’re trying to pay off my debts. It isn'tas hard as you might think. The strategy is to start small, change a fewhabits, and change your mindset.