Know and Grow
Building Credit from Zero: Where to Start
Weoften see advice on how to repair bad credit, but how do build credit in thefirst place?
ATM Safety
AutomatedTeller Machines (ATMs) are convenient way to access your funds using your debitcard. That convenience also appeals to crooks. For that reason, it’s importantto learn how to access your funds safely and protect...
How Many Credit Cards Should I Have?
If you’re trying to build credit or boost yourcredit score you might be wondering if there is an ideal number of credit cardsto have. The truth is there is no perfect number. However, there are factorsyou should keep in...
Errors in Your Credit Report - Now What?
Credit reports contain your personal financialinformation. Incorrect information can affect your ability to get a loan, renthousing, or get a job because businesses often make their decisions based onthat data.
What to Do if You're Turned Down for a Loan
Gettingrejected for a loan can feel like a kick in the teeth. No way around it,rejection is painful. But a loan rejection may be a gift in disguise. All toooften, borrowers get the loan they want and end up wishing they...
Basic Steps to Financial Fitness
The way you handle your finances is a personal choice. The decisionsyou make about them change over time and may differ from your friends' or yourparents'. Still, there are some broad guidelines that may help...