Know and Grow

Safety Precautions You Should Take While Depositing Funds through RDA

Safety Precautions You Should Take While Depositing Funds through RDA

Remote Deposit Anywhere or RDA, known at some financial institutions as mobile deposit, can make some people nervous. This convenient service is widely used by banks and credit unions all over the country and it’s...
The Facts about Guaranteed Auto Protection Insurance

The Facts about Guaranteed Auto Protection Insurance

When you go shopping for a brand new car, you may not realize that you're also in the market for guaranteed auto protection (GAP) insurance. GAP insurance is defined as covering the difference between the value of...
Understanding Credit Card Fraud

Understanding Credit Card Fraud

Credit card fraud is in the news every day. It seems like criminals are always finding new ways to victimize unsuspecting people. Your best defense against becoming a victim yourself is to understand common forms of...
Lost or Stolen Credit Card? Here's What to Do

Lost or Stolen Credit Card? Here's What to Do

Are you feeling the burn of a lost or stolen credit card? Don’t settle into panic mode just yet! There are a few key steps that you can take to help ensure that you recover from a lost or stolen card and protect...
5 Reasons Your Debit Card Can Be Declined

5 Reasons Your Debit Card Can Be Declined

Consumers have grown to love the convenience of debit cards. You can make purchases without carrying a lot of cash around with you. If you need cash, it's as close as the nearest ATM. No doubt about it; debit cards have...
How 2018 Tax Law Changes Affect You

How 2018 Tax Law Changes Affect You

Benjamin Franklin once wrote in a letter, “nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” This popular quote still stands true today, over 200 years later, but Franklin said nothing about changes...