Know and Grow

Why an Annual Meeting?
One of the ways Coosa Valley Credit Union demonstrates our uniqueness in the financial services world is by holding our Annual Meeting with our member-owners. Everybody knows that being a member-owner is...

Sticking to Financial Resolutions
Did you make any financial resolutions for 2019? A national survey found financial goals were the fourth most popular New Year’s resolutions, behind dieting, exercising and losing weight. Now is the time of year...

Setting Account Alerts
Alerts are an excellent way to stay aware of activity on your banking accounts. Depending on your financial institution's offerings, you can receive alerts through online banking, email, or even text message. Most of...

Savings Account Withdrawal Limits: What's the Deal?
“You have reached your monthly transfer limit.” Is this a message you have seen before when attempting to transfer money from a savings account? The reason for this is a federal regulation called Regulation D....

Switch Banks in 4 Easy Steps
“I wish I could have a better banking experience. I really do not like my bank. Man, I am getting pummeled by bank fees.” Have you said any of these things recently? If so, there is something you can do about...

'Tis Better to Give
This time of year brings out the joy of giving more than any other time of year and it’s fun to get in on the action! But before you open your wallet for just anyone, be aware of fraud that is becoming more and more...